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  • Writer's pictureHassan Syed


Dear UNHCR and Indian Embassy and US Embassy Diplomatic Enclave Islamabad Pakistan My Name is Paul Eliya I am Persecuted Abandoned Forgotten Christian and Refugee Asylum Seeker Potentially Stateless Person Internally Displaced Person Seeking International Protection Refuge Asylum on Religious And Humanitarian Grounds ASAP Along with my Family me and my Family are Forced to Flee My our Home Country Pakistan Along With My Family because of Many Valid Reasons and Me and my Family are The Victims of Severe Crimes Against Our Property # 25-A(CB 3650)Double Story 2 Kanals Lane 5-A,Lalazar Rawalpindi Cantt and Linked Assets Claims Receivable worth 81 Billion PKR Rupees and My our Basic Fundamental Human Rights. Me and my Family are Shelterless Homeless and We are on Road and we are Hand to Mouth, so Everything I Did Before this Date 6th September 2021 is the Reaction of Every Action Against our Lives Properties Rights. I don’t Have A Single Penny in My Pocket and No Help Ever Came From GHQ ISPR Facilitation Centre CMH/MH Rawalpindi Regarding Military Justice in Getting Repossession of My Property that’s Why I lodged FIR Against DG ISI General Faiz Hameed Gul and COAS Qamar Javed Bajwa and Imran Khan Corrupt Terrorist Prime Minister and Against Ahle Sunnat Wal Jammat For Being Anti Syed Shia and Anti Christ Entities along With Immediate Arrest Imprisonment Of Accused Illegally Legal Occupants Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi and Abdul Rauf and Abdul Qudoos to Be Arrested For Fraud Attempt of Murder and Other Important Charges Accordingly On Internal National Security Grounds and External International Security Grounds. That’s Why I Lodged FIR Against Pakistan and Everything in it and Against Its Currency And Renounced My Pakistani Nationality #37405-0365980-9 And Passport #LL1019802 To Pakistan Through Pakistani Law Enforcement Authorities I can Still Serve and Love My Country Pakistan According To my GOD Jesus Christ and According To My Mola Father Ali Ibne Abi Talib’s Knowledge and Courage Unconditionally for Serving Mankind Humanity According To Their Respected Religions Cultures of Love Peace and Justice of Humanity. I have Already Sent and I Have Taken My Case To India And To US for Getting Immediate Justice through United Nations International Court of Law and Justice on Humanitarian Grounds Against The Culprits Mentioned Above For Complete Details of My Case and Truth Evidences please Open the link Below UNHCR And Us Embassy Islamabad Please Issue Travel Documents and Visas to Me and My Family on Humanitarian And Christianity Religion Religious Grounds And Public My Case to Guinness World Records for Registering My Record Of Unbreakable Self Belief And No Doubt in me That I Got Talent Through Faith in Jesus Christ Amen Regards Pastor Paul Eliya Temporary Rented Shelter # House 160 lane 15,Block E,Sector 4,Airport Housing Society Rawalpindi 03009772347 03455333058 Email People Ask Me that What You Do I Reply What I Do Defines me My US Embassy Case Number is ABC0015422418 My Name Is Paul Eliya Christian,I Am A Refugee Seeking Resettlement, International Protection Due To Persecution,My Story is in this usefulLink UNHCR and US Embassy Islamabad Please Help me and My Family in our Travel to United States of America On Religious Humanitarian Grounds.My and My Family’s Life Matters Along With Other People I Request you To Think About it Who are Anti Christ and What,when,where,and Why They Are Anti Christ Answer is Satan and its Satanic Spirit In All The World There are Many People who are Anti Christ Always Help and Love and Serve Humanity But What ever You Do Don’t become a Part of Linked and Related Anti Christ People Humanity Possessed With Satanic Spirit Invite Them To Come To Jesus but Some of Them Are Rejected because of The Rejected Spirit of Satan inside Anti Christ People So Just Pray for them for their Eternal Healing Blessing and Expel the Satanic Spirit Back To Hell in Jesus Name Amen I am A Born Christian Jesus Blessed me and My All Family when I was 9 Years Old In Year 2000 And I Was Baptised in year 2015 And I Became Pastor since Year 2009. I Have Crushed Satan and Satanic Spirit Eternally in Hell Fire The Reasons Why My Properties and Fundamental Basic Human Rights were Snatched by Anti Christ Entities Mass Elements Compounds Mixtures Are Now Destroyed Due to My Battle Against Evil Satan God Has Condemned and Cursed Hell Fire Upon Satanic Accused Criminal Terrorist Abubakar Umer Usman Aisha Muawiya Yazeed Shimmar and Upon Their Followers Lovers and Their Generations to Come Possessed With Satanic Spirit and Their Deeds Virtues into Hell Fire For committing Very Severe Crimes Mistakes And Sins Against The Life Love Property Children and Rights of ELI and Against the Islam of Ali and Against the Quran of Ali and against the Honour of Ali and jealousies against Ali For Being A Loving Husband Worldly and Eternal Love of Fatima Zahra Fragrance Body Soul light of Ali MOLA And Ali For Being the Holy Father Of Hassan Hussain Zainab Qulsoom Mohsin and Abbas and Ruqaiya Alaisalaam and For Being the Soul Body Mind Heart of Muhammad PBUH and Due to Knowledge of Ali and Courage of Ali and Virtues Work of Ali and Betrayals Treasons AGAINST ALI AND Against the loyal Holy Companions of Ali Who are Bilal Habshi Salman Farsi AbuZar Ghafari AbuHuraira Like Companions Who never Ever Committed A Single Mistake Against AliMola in The History of Islam and Mankind People Ask Me that What You Do I Reply What I Do Defines me I Request Refuge Asylum For Me and for Amy Family in United States of America And Re-posession of my Lalazar Properties by Handing Over My Properties to me With Immediate Resignation and Arrest of DG ISI General Faiz Hamed Gul And COAS Qamar Javed Bajwa and Imran Khan Prime Minister of Pakistan Along With Immediate Arrest of Other Accused Illegal Occupants Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi Abdul Qudoos and AbdulRauf Sheikh Rasheed and Others Always Fight Back And Always Fight For Your Love And Justice and Freedom By Killing Satan and Its Satanic Spirit I Paul Eliya Dare To Dream And My Dream became My True Victory Forever Eternally In JesusEli Name When I Change Impossible into Possible Eternally Amen In Jesus Name I will Leave Pakistan Anytime PAKISTAN ARMY ISPR FACILITATION CENTRE PIC VFC:0515566289 Honourable Colonel Mazhar 0515566289 I Am Crossing International Borders and Waiting for Help from US Embassy Islamabad and From UNHCR.My US Embassy Case-2021-08-23-015422418 For Asylum ASAP and Sent To And Received this Positive Response From US Embassy Islamabad and I Replied Yes I Confirm Please Proceed Please Do It.Kindly confirm if you would like to apply from Pakistan for Asylum for us to assist you further Please use PAKISPRT@UNHCR.ORG for any correspondence. Yours Sincerely, UNHCR Protection Unit Country Office, Islamabad 051-2600860-76 Date Aug 31 2021 Tuesday My Name Is Paul Eliya, I am Pastor Priest Exorcist Singer Worshiper Prayer Evangelical Christian,My Testimony is that I Believe In Jesus Christ for Being The Holy SON of GOD Who Died on the Cross At The Cavalry to Wash Away My Sins and I sin No More and He Was Raised From The Dead By The Power of The Holy Spirit During Resurrection after Sacrificing His Life for Me and He is Coming Back for Judgement and He Will Take me to Home In His Eternal kingdom Amen I am Living My Life as An Abandoned Forgotten Persecuted Christian in Pakistan but I will Move Out I am a Refugee Asylum Seeker IDP Stateless Person Internally Displaced Forced to Flee my Home Country and I am Victim of My Home Country Pakistan And Everything in it,I am Now Free Man and Can Go Anywhere I Want to Go For Promising Future and My Story is Step by Step Clearing Lands Buildings under grounds and Educating new Muslims Generation Hearts Minds Spirits of Muslims And Running All Muslims Countries According to The Knowledge Courage of Ali ibne Abi Talib In Jesus Name Amen My Name is Paul Eliya and I am Converted to Christianity. I Will Go To UN office in Islamabad for Registering my self as A Refugee Asylum seeker Stateless Persecuted Christian of Holy Son Of God Jesus Christ. I can help United States of America and People of The World To Kill Talibans inside Pakistan and outside Pakistan Bare handedly by Enforcing Law of Ali Mola For Killing Satanic So called Kafir Muslims Taliban. ALLAH WANTS US ALL TO KILL Anti Christ MUSLIMS Daish ISIS Alqaida Fake Shia Musalman Sippa Sahaba Ahl e Sunnat Wal Jammat TALIBAN DURING KILLING EXECUTING TALIBANS MUSLIMS WE WILL BE SAYING ALLAH AKBAR AND SLAUGHTERING TALIBANS AND BEHEADING THEM AND MAKING LIVE VIDEOS SO THAT REVENGE CAN BE TAKEN FROM SATAN 666 Muslims Taliban. I Will Do the Same Thing to Taliban What they Did to innocent People I Will Do The Same Thing Twice what Satanic Taliban Muslims Have Done To My Family Ahlebait. This Email and everything in It Represents Me I am The Hero The Man of Jesus Christ and Son of AliFatima Alaisalaam. I will Cut Their Heads Skulls of Taliban and Hung their Heads and Put it on Pointed Rods of 2.5 Meter long and People will See That Savior The Man Of Jesus And Son of AliFatima The Eliya Has Come For Taking Revenge from Taliban Muslims and Justice Security of Human Race and Survival Of Human Race And Security of Humanity. I Can Kill All Sleeper Cells Of Daish ISIS Alqaida Yazeedi Muslims Talibans Inside Pakistan in Pakistan Army Navy Airforce Rangers Police Judiciary Madrasas Masajids and Outside Pakistan The only "Standard Is Ali The Eli of Jesus Christ"AmenAllah And His Nabi Muhammad and His Ali Wants Me To Kill All Taliban by Beheading These Taliban By Saying This Slogan Qalma Allah hu Akbar La ila ha illaAllah Muhammad dar Rasool Allah Ali Un WAli Allah Wasi e Rasool Allah wa Khaleefa ta hu Bilfasal and Quran Saying To obey and Have Faith on Holy Bible and Have Faith in Jesus Christ The Soul of Allah. And by Using These Most Important 2 Techniques For Security of All Human Beings and Killing Hyenas The Taliban There is a Two Nations Theory In Muslims only. One nation is The Followers lover of Ali And the other nations are Anti Ali Muslims Taliban 666 Satan with Many Names faces and Ages and intentions through men women and children. Technique#1 While Killing Beheading And Slaughtering Taliban Muslims To Behead Taliban and Making live Videos of their Talibans Heads and Body Parts Removed Cutoff while Saying Allah hu Akbar Ya Ali Allah hu Akbar La ila ha illaAllah Muhammad dar Rasool Allah Ali Un WAli Allah Wasi e Rasool Allah wa Khaleefa ta hu Bilfasal This Is The Best Revenge This Technique Atomic Strike War is the Only Solution for Enforcing The"Standard" in Muslim Islamic Territories Countries Regions and Areas For Security of Human Beings and Peace and Strict Watch Eye on Innocent Muslims Women and children and men so That they Can Follow the "Standard" While Enforcing The Standard In All Masajids Madrasas Islamic Religious Institutions and Libraries True Islamic History Must be Told and Guide to the Muslims, All Places Every Land and Building Everywhere in Muslim Countries only, For Security of Innocent Lives of Muslims ShouldBe Forced to follow only 1 "Standard"i.e Mola Ali ibne Abi Talib The Holy Spirit of Son of GOD Jesus Christ. By Following Only Ali andTo Love Ali and Reject and Hate and Condemne and Curse and Abuse and Kill the Enemies of Ali Who are Accused Crimi als and Terrorists Abubakar Umer Usman Aisha Mavia Yazeed Shimmar and Their Followers and Lovers while Fighting Against The Followers,Believers and Lovers of Satanic Hell Fired Abubakar Umer Usman Aisha Mavia Yazeed Shimmar For Severe Sins, Treasons and Crimes Against Humanity Human Race and for Committing Severe Crimes Against The Holy Lives, Honor Respects Assets Property of AliFatima and Children Family of AliFatima Including Muhammad Ahlebait and Rights of Ali MolaAll True Faithful Muslims Following Only This "Standard" Could Bring Peace Love Justice In Humanity. Allah and his Muhammad Demands All Human Beings To Kill Taliban Muslims WhileDuring Saying Allah AKBAR infront of the World And Making Live Videos of Killed Slaughtered Taliban Muslims So That The World Can See That Islam is The religion of Love Peace and Justice for All Humanity and In Islam Quran Says to Follow And Have Faith in and Love Holy Son Of God Jesus Christ Technique#2 DESTROYING PAST AND PRESENT OF TERRORISTS AND DESTROYING FUTURE OF TERRORISTS AND THEIR HOPES AND THEIR SLEEPER CELLS AROUND THE WORLD ARE ALL DESTROYED ALONG WITH THEIR DEEDS AND VIRTUES. DESTROYING THEIR EVERY BLACK ASSET AND DESTROYING ALL BLACK ASSETS HIDDEN IN UNDERGROUNDS AND IMMEDIATELY EXECUTING TERRRORISTS BY Beheading Taliban By Slaughtering Taliban ISIS DAISH ALQAIDA SIPPA SAHABA JAMMATS OF Muslims by Killing Taliban By Using Step by Step Clearing Lands buildings Undergrounds and Installing Screenings Check Points Randomly every where on Both Entry(Entries) and Exit(exits) Points.Using Drones And Air Force And Ground Force Army Marching and Clearing land and Every Asset and Person Step by Step saving Any Innocent Women Children And Men and Saving Any Suspected Women Men And Their Children must be Kept in under Strict Eye To Follow The "Standard" and BLESSING THEIR MINDS HEARTS SPIRITS IN JESUS NAME Anyone Who Will Not Follow the "Standard"Will Be Allowed To Either Follow the International Laws of Humanity and Justice or If He/she Or They/them Will Not Hurt Anyone Physical Mentally Emotionally Or by Any Other Means, They are on their Own Beliefs but if They are Against the" Standard" then Such Muslims Only Will be Given Free Hand For Being Humans and for their Freedoms of Expressions and They Can Still Enjoy Their All Basic Human Fundamental Rights but For the Security of Humanity The "Standard" Will be Enforced as Law and Order Constitution To Save All Humanity And Will Give Protection Justice Peace Love Confidence Freedom And All Human Basic Fundamental Rights to All People and will Save Protect and Serve all Humanity People According To Their Desires and According To their Respective Religions and Cultures of Love Peace and Justice both At National Level and at Foreign International level To Ensure Security of Lives Respects and Assets of The People of God Jesus Christ. ALL TANGIBLE AND NON TANGIBLE ASSETS OF EVERY KIND TYPE AND NATURE ANYTHING ANYWHERE WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WHY ALL ON GOOGLE MAPS AND PERSONS STORIES DOCUMENTATIONS HISTORIES ACHIVEMENTS ON GOOGLE MAPS ALONG WITH THEIR FEELINGS INTENTIONS,TEMPER AND COMPASSIONS THEIR FEELINGS AND WORKS FOR LOVE PEACE AND JUSTICE AND CHARACTER MINDSETS MENTALITIES SENSITIVITIES AND THEIR OCCUPATIONS POSSESSIONS IN ON LAND AIR SEA SPACE AND MOVEMENT DETAILS ON LAND AIR SEA AND SPACE ALONG WITH THEIR LINKED ASSETS ALL ON GOOGLE MAPS BEHAVIOURS ATTITUDES ACTIONS REACTIONS AND THERI DNA AND MENTAL BODY SPIRTUAL HEALTH INFORMATIONS AND STATUSES AND SUB STATUSES WITH THEIR KNOWLEDGE DETAILS AND DETAILS OF THEIR EVERY ACTIONS AND REACTIONS AT BOTH ENTRY EXIT POINTS RANDOMLY REGULARLY IRREGULARLY AND THEY HAVE THE RIGHTS OF DATA PROTECTION AND SECURITY OF THEIR FUNDAMENTAL BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS AND SERVING THESE PEOPLE HUMANITY ACCORDING TO THEIR WILL DESIRES AND IN VERY VERY ACCORDING TO THEIR RESPECTED RELIGIONS AND CULTURES AND FEELINGS OF LOVE PEACE AND JUSTICE. Request for Raising My Voice in United Nations Headquarters in USA 015422418 ABC0015422418 If You are Facing Same Situation like me and My Family are Facing Right now what will you Do So My Name Is Paul Eliya Christian,I Am A Refugee Seeking Resettlement, International Protection Due To Persecution,My Story is in this useful Links UNHCR and US Embassy Islamabad Please Help me and My Family in our Travel to United States of America On Religious Humanitarian Grounds.Pakistan is Ahle-e- Sunnat Wal Jammat Fake Shia Terrorist Corrupt Criminal Accused People Who are Anti Christ 365 Days 24/7 Committing Severe Crimes Mistakes Sins Against People Humanity of Jesus Christ Against Their Lives Respects Assets And Against Their Basic Fundamental Human Rights and Anti Christ People Muslims and Anti Christ Religion Islam and Anti Christ State Pakistan is Run,Monitored,Helped By And Assisted By and Funded by Sponsored By and Protected By And Supported By and Propagated By and Promoted By and Ultimate Back Up By Saudi Arabia and Its Roots are Linked To Relation to Satan Who is Rejected By GOD Himself FATHER ALI IS THE JOY OF MY HEART PLEASURE OF MY SOUL AND PEACE OF MY MIND MY COURAGE MY KNOWLEDGE IS MY FATHER ALI IN ME AS JESUS CHRIST MY GOD AMEN IMG_0191.HEIC IMG_0173.MOV Pakistan His Excellency The Honourable Chief of Army Staff Javed Qamar Bajwa Pakistan Army General Head Quarters Rawalpindi Through ISPR Facilitation Centre Rawalpindi Adjacent to CMH/MH Subject : Request for Military Justice Regarding Handing-over my Properties To me inherited from My Father Late Brig Syed Ahmed and Linked Assets Worth 81 Billion Rupees and My And My Family's Immediate Help and Assistance by Giving us Shelter And Financial Help As per Army Rules and Regulations According To Law And Constitution of Pakistan and on Religious and Humanitarian Grounds and Arrest of Accused and Giving Jobs to My Children in Pakistan Armed Forces According to Their Talents With Honor, Dignity, Equality on Merits of Humanity. Respected Sir, My Name is Hassan Syed S/O Late Brig Syed Ahmed EME PA#2638 NIC 210-25-141742 Passport D495043 Sitara-e-Khidmat Pioneer Of Nishan Jeep for Pakistan Army, I am Retired Deputy Chief Ministry of Communications Islamabad, Me and My Family are On Road and Shelterless Requests you To Help us Regarding Repossession of my Father’s Properties and Assets in Pakistan and Arrest of Accused Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasi and Abdul Qudoos and Abdul Rauf and other Accused Illegal Occupants Committed Severe Crimes Corruption Terrorism Done By Accused By using Law and Constitution of The Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Religion As A Tool Against Our Lives Respects and Assets and Against our Fundamental Human Rights. My Properties are That me and my Family Want The Possession of and Recovery of Claims Total worth 81 Billion PKR as Requested in The Subject Cited Above as Follows 1:House 25-A(CB-3650) 36 Marlas Double Story Both Land and Building Lane 5-A,Tulsa Road Lalazar Colony Rawalpindi Cantt 2:House 25-B(CB-3650)2 Kanals Single Story Both Land and Building Lane 5-A,Tulsa Road Lalazar Colony Rawalpindi Cantt 3:House 47 (CB-3650)2 Kanals Single Story Both Land and Building Lane 2,Tulsa Road Lalazar Colony RawalpindiCantt 4:10 ACRES STUD LAND 5:SARGODAH HAVELI PROPERTY 6:LAHORE CO-OPERATIVE HOUSING SOCIETY PROPERTY CANTT BOARD 7:KARACHI PROPERTY IN DEFENCE HOUSING AUTHORITY SOCIETY 8:KARACHI STEEL MILL And Linked Companies 9:OTHER HIDDEN ASSETS BENEFITS e.g Stud land on Lease 10:PROPERTY HAVELI IN AMBALA INDIA 11:My PAN AM Claim Share from 12.5 Billion Dollars Allocated for Victims of PAN AM Hijacking Ministry of Defence Islamabad Karachi 12:My Claims and Damages from Ministry of Communications 80000000 Islamabad 13:20 Kanals Sangjani Land Islamabad 14:Claims and Damages Compensation For Ruining My Children's Education Promising Future Ruined due to Many Valid Reasons As Evidences as Truth in This Link US Embassy Islamabad Pakistan Case-2021-08-23-015422418 For Asylum Everything,all Content Facts and Figures are True With Ground Realities Balancing Justice System and Nothing Has Been Concealed. Three Sets of Documents Attached With This Application 1st Set is Lalazar Property Case 2nd Set is Office Case linked with Lalazar Property Case and 3rd Set is Sangjani 20 Kanals of Land in Islamabad Property and All other Receivable Claims and Assets Cases Linked With Lalazar Property Case. ME and My Family Hopes that Pakistan Army Pakistan Will Help us and Deliver us Justice Thanking You Yours Faithfully Hassan Syed and Family CNIC 37405-3293752-5 CNIC 37405-4559435-4 House 160, lane 15, Block E, Sector 4, Airport Housing Society Rawalpindi Cantt 03009772347 03005132511 Email Date Aug 31 2021 Tuesday

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CPGRAMS Sign In Grievance Status for registration number : PMOPG/E/2020/0836431 Grievance Concerns To Name Of Complainant Paul Eliya Date of Receipt 15/09/2020 Received By Ministry/Department Prime Ministers Office Grievance Description Honorable Prime Minister Narindara Modi Sahib The Republic of India I Paul Eliya Holding Passport LL1019802 CNIC 3740503659809 want Indian Citizenship,Visa to Travel to India,Invitation letter from Indian Government to meet The Honorable Prime Minister Of India regarding my Disputes and Issues with Accused,Criminal and Terrorist Pakistan Army And Terrorists Spy Agency ISI is responsible For Crimes against our Shia Muslim Faith and Assets in Pakistan.i want the immediate Cancellation of Pakistani Identity 3740503659809 and passport LL1019802 ONCE I AND MY FAMILY PERMANENTLY MOVE MIGRATE TO INDIA or to any Christian Country or NON Muslim Country For The Immediate SECURITY OF our Lives Respects And Assets.other details sent to all the World Against Pakistan Honorable Christian Country Embassy, i Paul Eliya Shia Muslim and Sincere Christian following both the Shia Islam and followimg Christianity by Rejecting All Non Shia Islam.My Grandfather Late Brig Syed Ahmed Batch no PA no 2638,passport no D495043,CNIC no 210 25 141742 India Ambala. I therefore need your Guidance regarding my Faith in Holy Jesus Christ because I have Accepted Jesus Christ as my only Savior, and Due to My love with Holy Jesus along with my love for Ahlebait Ali Mola Imam. I have received the blessings of Knowledge and Bravery The Courage.We were migrated from India Ambala but now i will be trying All Christian Countries For Asylum and India for our Immediate Rescue because Pakistani Authorities are all Terrorists involved in Framing Fake news and reports. May Holy Jesus Christ bless you All Amen My websites for The Security of All Humanity Of God.I have loved my people and my country Pakistan Unconditionally but in return my properties were snatched fraudulently by Pakistani Terrorists, No Protection in Pakistan and no Justice in Pakistan, please Go these Websites for complete Record of My fight against Satan.As a result our valuable properties and Assets worth million of rupees were snatched by Muslims and our lives are in extreme danger and Muslims attempted Murder and sometimes by giving us Threats that they will Kill and kidnap us, due to Continously Going to Churches and attending prayers and receiving Blessings from Jesus Christ and Faith in Holy Jesus Christ. Our lives are in extreme danger in pakistan. I and my family shall be Baptized and will change our Religion from islam to Christianity by accepting and adopting and following Holy Christian Religion by Rejecting Non Shia Islam once we move to any Christian Country for Safe Haven and getting Refuge Asylum. Pakistani Terrorists have snatched our assets with the help of Pakistani Authorities and we are the victims of Terrorism, corruption and crimes against us and against our properties our Lives, Respects, Assets and we are continously being persecuted and threatened by Muslims. We want to go out of this country as soon as possible, we will be needing immediate help, our immediate Rescue, Rehabilitation and visas to Travel to Any Christian Country or Shia Muslim Country for the Security of our Lives and Faith in Jesus Christ And Holy Ahlebait Alaisalaam Amen. Kindly grant us the time to meet to meet you, we shall provide further evidences of Persecution, complaints and legal documents and other papers once you grant us the Appointment against Terrorist Country Pakistan and its Terrorist Pakistan Army and Criminally Insane Terrorist Inter-Services Intelligence ISI and ISI Agents Raja Amjad Iqbal Abbasie,Abdul qudoos,Abdul Rauf,Sajjad Afzal Afridi, sardar Umer Farooq Azam Rajhar,Syed Sajjad Haider and other ISI Terroorts getting full support from Local public people of Pakistan against us with Fake news and Reports against us and misinterpreting our Demand For Justice from The World Against Pakistan and Its Terrorist Pakistan Army ISI. Deep Regards Paul Eliya Syed Ali Abbas son of Hassan Syed New CNIC 3740503659809,passport LL1019802 Grievance Document Current Status Case closed Date of Action 10/02/2021 Remarks This Ministry is in receipt of your representation. You are requested to contact High Commission of India, Islamabad for further assistance (email : Officer Concerns To Officer Name DR.DEEPAK MITTAL Officer Designation Joint Secretary Contact Address South Block Room No. 149 B Email Address Contact Number 01123012139 Back to Home Print Feedback This site is designed, developed & hosted by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics & IT (MeitY), Government of India and Content owned by Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances. Disclaimer Website Policies Web Information Manager Version 7.0.01092019.0.0, Copyright © 2021 all in One.pdf Amen In Jesus Name verified.Asylum HERO OF PAKISTAN AND The World… HERO OF PAKISTAN AND The World… Engine 1 Engine Invented By Paul Eliya.jpg I.S.P.R.pdf IMG_0190.HEIC IMG_0191.HEIC Always Fight Back And Always Fight For Your Love And Justice and Freedom By Killing Satan and Its Satanic Spirit I Paul Eliya Dare To Dream And My Dream became My True Victory Forever Eternally In JesusEli Name When I Change Impossible into Possible Eternally Amen In Jesus Name IMG_0190.HEIC IMG_0191.HEIC USA Referance.pdf verified. ALIUNWALIALLAHWASIERASOOLALLA… DESIGN OF ENGINE BODY COVER AROUND… Father Ali Eliya in Me.pdf AUDIO-2021-08-18-16-23-46.m4a Engine 1 Engine Invented By Paul Eliya.jpg HERO OF PAKISTAN AND The World… HERO OF PAKISTAN AND The World… HISTORY OF MUSLIMS ISLAM.docx.pdf I am The Hero Paul.pdf I.S.P.R.pdf IMG_0173.MOV Jesus.pdf LaLazar Sangjani Office Steel… Pakistan Namak Haram.pdf Pastor Paul Eliya Truth of Paul Eliya Very Very Important .pdf Hero Paul Eliya Submitted information 1 Embassy Document 1.pdf Embassy Document 2.pdf Embassy Document 3.pdf Christianity Religious and Humanitarian… Hero Paul Eliya Submitted information 2 Hero Story Hero Story 3 Hero Story 4 Hero Story 5 Hero Story 6 Indian Embassy 2021 Case.pdf Hero Story 7 Hero Story 8 Hero Story 9 Hero Story 10 Hero Story 11 Hero Story 12 Hero Story 13 Hero Story 14 Hero Story 15 Hero Story 16 Hero Story 17 Hero Story 18 Hero Story 19 Hero Story 20 Hero Story 21 Hero Story 22 My US Asylum Case.pdf Hero Story 23 Hero Story 24 Hero Story 25 Hero Story 26 Hero Story 27 Pakistan Handover My Properties… Hero Story 28 Hero Story 29 Hero Story 30 Hero Story 31 Pastor Paul Eliya Hero Story 32 Hero Story 33 Hero Story 34 ICT Pastor Paul Eliya.pdf Hero Story 35 Hero Story 36 Hero Story 37 Hero Story 38 Hero Story 39 Hero Story 40 Hero Story 41 Hero Story 42 Hero Story 43 Hero Story 44 Hero Story 45 Hero Story 46 Hero Story 47 Hero Story 48 Hero Story 49 Hero Story 50 Hero Story 51 Hero Story 52.jpg Hero Story 53 Hero Story 54 Hero Story 55 Hero Story 71.jpg Hero Story 72.jpg US Sensible Response.pdf United States of America Is My… UNHCR USA Help and Assistance.pdf UNHCR US Embassy.pdf UNHCR TRUTH IF PAUL ELIYA.pdf UNHCR REQUESTED for Help.pdf UNHCR HUMANITARIAN APPLICATION .pdf Satanic Islam.pdf Sana Request To US Embassy Islamabad.pdf PAUL ELIYA IS THE Pastor.pdf.pdf Parade Ground Ali.pdf Pakistan Handover My Properties… Pakistn Is Satan.pdf Pakistan Namak Haram.pdf My US Asylum Case.pdf Jesus.pdf ISPR.pdf ISPR.docx.pdf Asylum International Protection… A19494BE-D808-49AD-A059-77BF7… Final.pdf Evidence Asylum At US Embassy’s.pdf FRANCE Freedom Love and Faith Is Everything.pdf I am sharing 'C.V of Hassan Syed'… IMG_0173.MOV UNHCR USA Help and Assistance.pdf UNHCR HUMANITARIAN APPLICATION .pdf USA Referance.pdf Pakistan Aliya Jesus 7th Heaven Flight Pakistan Aliya Jesus Courage Knowledge Hero Of Universe Syed Ali Abbas Paul Eliya The ... I am The Hero Paul Aeliya Jesus Amen Prayer pdf FIR REQUESTED BY Syed Ali Abbas son of Hassan S... I am the Person it's my Story and these are my ... Father Ali Eliya in Me-1.pdf ALI SAYINGI LOVE YOU FATIMA.m4a 14 SP POTOWAR PROPERTY VALUE IN OUR FAVOUR.opus Ali.jpg Archive 2 D.G ISI.pdf Archive 15 SUO MOTO CHIEF JUSTICE SC.opus Asylum Denmark.pdf Asylum Eliya.pdf Archive 9 NATIONAL FIR LAST INFORMATION SENT WA... Archive 10 MY TESTIMONY WITH NEW LIFE.pdf Asylum Paul Eliya 1.pdf Asylum Paul Eliya 3.pdf Asylum Paul Eliya 5.pdf Asylum Paul Eliya.pdf Accused ISIS .jpg Accused ISI.jpg City Police.jpg DENMARK BIOMETRIC.jpg Cut.jpg Cuts.jpg Forced Suicide Crime.jpg Father Ali Eliya in Me-1.pdf FIR.pdf Cover_Letter_Islama-210427-0004.PDF DONE BY PAUL ELIYA.jpg Denmark Document 3.pdf Denmark Embassy Document 1.pdf Denmark Embassy Document 2.pdf Denmark Embassy Document.pdf Embassy Document 1.pdf Embassy Document 2.pdf Embassy Document 3.pdf Emergency Assistance Required.pdf Asylum Requested for 7 Family Members .jpg Canada Resettlement .pdf Everything .docx FIR AGAINST RAJA AMJAD, PS KOHSAR AND MURAD SAE... FIR REQUESTED BY Syed Ali Abbas son of Hassan S... Fir Secretariat Fir u/s 154 & u/s 155 Cr. P. C FIR U/S 154 CRPC .jpg I AM THE HERO PAUL ELIYA 478207_0d487062fc774635beac70d070f5c068.pdf 478207_8a87f2f5eded4c0485f02ce6b1419bf6.pdf 478207_078add9a3b3244268cfc04a7ef8ceae7.pdf Father is in Me.pdf Good Faith Court Order.jpg grievance Document India Remarks National Secur... Hero Paul Eliya Syed Ali Abbas 1.jpg Hero Story 72.jpg httpssaabbas07212.wixsite.comwebsiteali..xlsx I AM BECOMMING PRESIDENT OF PAKISTAN HEAD OF TH... AMBALA India 1-2.jpg AMBALA India 1-3.jpg AMBALA India 1-4.jpg AMBALA India 1.jpg I AM THE HERO I Am Fighting For Innocents Forever Alive Usama... I am The Hero Paul I AM THE HERO PAUL ELIYA I am The Hero Paul.pdf I am the Person it's my Story and these are my ... Important data IMPORTANT Data 2 India 2020-12-15 11-21-04.m4a Indian Citizenship Application.pdf Indian Embassy 2021 Case .pdf Indian Embassy Sensitive Information.pdf I Love Human and Humanity of Ali Eliya.pdf I LOVE YOU NARINDARA MODI GEE I LOVE YOU INDIA.jpg Hero Paul Eliya's Maths Assets Equations.pdf Indian Flag 14 Indian Flag 15 Indian Flag 16 Indian Flag 17 Indian Flag 20 grievanceDocument.pdf FIR 27 APRIL 2021.jpg I am Paul Eliya Hero Aaleen Alien Eliya Abbas A... I am India Application 1.jpg I am India Application 2.jpg HONORABLE AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER.pdf Honorable President France.pdf HONORABLE PRESIDENT FRANCE.pdf GUIDANCE BY AELIYA.pdf Honorable President of France.pdf Hero Paul Eliya's Maths Assets Equations.pdf Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narindar Modi Sah... Indian Flag 21 Indian Flag 12 I AM CHRISTIAN Indian Flag 22 Indian Flag 23 Indian Flag 24 Indian Flag 25 Indian Flag 71.jpg Indian Flag 72 I Am Baptized and I am Converted to Holy Christ... 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Renunciation 14. Renunciation 38. RENUNCIATION APPLICATION VIA TCS SERVICE.jpg Renunciation of Pakistani Nationality .jpg Paul Eliya Hero Of Pakistan .jpg Secretariat 1 Sensitive Information Given by Paul Eliya to In... 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